Notes: Power sharing and Federalism




1. Accommodation/solution in Belgium. French & Dutch Speakers

Ø  Equal ministry in Central Government & both together take decisions.

Ø  Central government shared power with the regional governments.

Ø  State govt’s. - not subordinate to Central government.

Ø  Brussels - Separate government in Brussels. French and Dutch equal ministers.

Ø  Community government - elected by people belonging to one language. Make decisions about language, educational and cultural issues.


2.    Majoritarianism in Srilanka

1956- Srilankan government passed Majoritarian Act.

Ø  Sinhala - official Language & removed Tamil.

Ø  University posts and government jobs – only for Sinhala speakers.

Ø  Constitution declared state religion is Buddhism.

3. Why  did Tamils feel alienated in Srilanka?

    Srilankan Tamils felt alienated because

·        Sinhalese illtreated the language and culture of Tamils.

·        No political rights  & job opportunities to Tamils.

4. What were the demands of Srilankan Tamils?

Demands of Srilankan Tamils

·    Tamil should be official language

·    Separate state for Tamils. (Tamil Elam)

·    Equality in education & jobs


5.    Why power sharing is desirable?  Or   Why do we need power sharing?

We need power sharing because


·        Very spirit of democracy

·        People have a right to be consulted.

·        Becomes legitimate  govt..



·        Reduces conflict and violence between social groups.

·        Ensures political stability.


6.     What are the different forms of power sharing in the modern democracies?

1. Horizontal power sharing:

Ø  Power sharing among the organs of the government. Legislative, Executive & Judiciary.

Ø  Same level & different powers.

Ø  Check and Balance System - Each organ checks others.

Ex: Judges are appointed by Executive, but can check the laws passed by Executive.

2. Vertical distribution of powers:-

Power is shared among Central Govt, State Govt, Local Govt.

·        Central Govt – whole country, State Govt – State, Local Govt – Villages & towns

·        Sharing of power:   Central Govt with State Govt & State Govt with Local Govt.


3. Power sharing with social groups like Community government in Belgium.

 & with SC/ST and women through reservations.


4.  Power shared by political parties through alliance or coalition government, pressure groups and movements.


5.  Power shared by Interest groups like Farmers, workers etc.. They influence the decision making process.





1.   What is federalism?

·        System of government in which power is divided between Central Govt and State Govt.


2.   Write the difference between Unitary form of government and federal form of government. (any 3 points)


Unitary form of government

Federal form of government

1.Only one level of government.

Central Govt.

1.  Two or more levels of govt..

Central, State & Local govt..

2.Central Government - pass 

   orders to State government.

2. Central government cannot pass

    orders to State government.

3.State government is answerable to the Central govt..

3. State government is not answerable

    to Central govt..

4. Only Central government is

    answerable to the people.

4. Both levels of government is

    answerable to the people.



3.   What are the key features of federalism? (any 5 points)

    The key features of federalism are:-

1.    There are two or more levels of government.

2.    Each level of govt have different powers to make laws, to collect tax & to rule people. 

3.    Powers of each level is constitutionally guaranteed.

4.    Any changes in the constitution requires the consent of both levels of the govt..

5.     Supreme Court solves disputes among different levels of the government.

6.    Sources of revenue for each level of govt.. is mentioned in the Constitution.


4. What are the drawbacks of the Local govt.?

·        Women participation is low.

·        State govt. have not shared power and revenue properly.

·        Elections ofGrama Sabhas are not held regularly.

·        Lack of resources to Local govt.


5. How were States created?

The states were created on the basis of

·        Language:- Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu.

·        Culture & tradition:- Nagaland, Manipur, Jharkhand

·      OverPopulation & for easy administration:-Uttarkhand, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand.


7. What makes India a federal country?

·        Federal Government:- India has Central Govt, State Govt & Local Govt.

·        Power distribution:-The powers is distributed as Union list: State list: Concurrent list

·        Federation:-India has holding together federation. All states do not have equal powers.

·        Amendments:- For any changes in the constitution at least 2/3rd of MP’s & ½ MLAs have to agree.

·        Independent Judiciary. Supreme Court solves disputes among different levels of the government.


8. Explain the Language policy adopted by our country.

·   No National language according to the constitution.

·   Official Language - Hindi because 40% Indians spoke Hindi.

·   English official language only till 1965.

·  Non-Hindi speaking states demanded English to be continued after 1965. Ex: Tamilnadu.

·  Central govt. accepted & made English & Hindi as official languages.

·   Central govt.. even safeguards & protect 21 scheduled languages.



10. What resulted in creation of Local govt..?

·        India is a big country in terms of area and population. Ex: Uttarpradesh.

·        It cannot be run by only one level of govt.

·        Many Indian States are internally very diverse.

·        Hence third tier of govt was created in India.


9. Explain the three fold distribution of legislative powers in India?  OR

Explain the three fold distribution of legislative powers between Union government and State government.









Subjects of national importance

Subjects of State & local importance

Subjects of common interest

Subjects came up after constitution was made.

Central Govt makes laws for whole country.

Ex:- Defence, Foreign affairs, banking, currency.

State Govt makes laws for whole state.

Ex:- Police, Trade, agriculture etc..

Both Central and State Govt make laws. If any difference of opinion – law made by Central Govt. prevails. Ex:- Marriage, Education etc

Central Government makes laws.

Ex:- Computer Software, MNCs etc..






11. Explain the restructuring of the centre and state relationships.

Ø When same party in Central and State govt, then the state got more favours.

Ø When different party Central and State govt, then state did not get any favours.

Ø Before 1990, the Central govt could dismiss the state government.

Ø After 1990 no party won majority in Lok Sabha & led to coalition govt with state parties.

Ø Thus, federal power sharing became more effective.


11. What is decentralization?

Ø Power is taken away from the Central and State govt and given to the Local govt.


12 Why decentralization of power is needed?

Ø  Large number of local problems can be solved at local level.

Ø  Local people have better knowledge of problems.

Ø  Local people know where to spend money.

Ø  People can directly participate in decision making.

Ø  Best way to realize democracy at root level.


13. What was the major step took in decentralization in 1992?

Ø  Compulsory elections of local govt.. bodies.

Ø  Reservation for SC’s, ST,s & OBC’s.

Ø  1/3rd reservations for Women

Ø  Independent State Election commission will conduct local body elections.

Ø  State governments should share power and resources with local government.














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