Simplified notes: Minerals and Energy Resources



1.   Define:-

a. Mineral - Homogenous, natural substance with definite structure.

b. Ores:  Mineral mixed with other earthy materials.

c. Mine:-  Place where minerals are dug out.


2.   How do minerals occur?

Minerals generally occur in these forms:

·       In Igneous and Metamorphic rocks – occur in cracks,  faults or joints.  Smaller occurrences – veins.  Larger occurrences – lodes.

·       In sedimentary rocks – occurs in beds or layers.

Deposit in earth due to heat & pressure – coal.

Evaporation in arid regions –Sodium salt

·       In alluvial valley – called placer deposits. Ex:- gold, silver

·       Occur in ocean water and ocean beds. Ex:  Common salt, Magnesium nodules


3.   Write the differences between:-


Ferrous minerals

Non-ferrous minerals

Has iron content

No iron content

Necessary for metal industries

Necessary for Electrical industries

India has sufficient quantity

India doesn’t have sufficient quantity




70% of iron content

50-60% of iron content

Less deposit in India

More deposit in India

First grade Iron ore

Second grade iron ore.


Metallic Minerals

Non-metallic minerals

Has metals in it

Has non metals

Found in igneous and metamorphic rocks

Found in Sedimentary rocks.


Conventional Energy Sources

Non-conventional sources of Energy

Used since long time

Used in recent times

Non renewable


Pollutes environment

Doesnot pollute the atmosphere

Ex:- Coal, petroleum

Ex:- Solar & wind energy


4. Why conservation of minerals required?

·       Minerals are non-renewable

·       Available in limited quantity

·       Very necessary for human beings

·       Takes long time to form. Ex:- Coal


5. How to conserve minerals?

Recycling metals

Use plastic or rubber

Use scrap metals

Use improved technologies


6. What are the two ages of coal formation & where are they found?

Formation of coal



Gondwana age                                     Formed in tertiary age

Formed 200 mln yrs ago                       Formed 55 mln yrs ago

Has high carbon content                       Less carbon content

Found in Odisha, West Bengal etc..      Found in Assam, Nagaland etc..


7. Why non conventional sources of energy needed?

·       Price of oil & gas – too much

·       Conventional sources causes pollution. Ex:- coal, petroleum

·       Less availability of conventional sources


8. Solar energy has bright future in India. How or why?

·       India is Tropical country         Popular in rural areas

·       Less cost, free in nature,more available

·       Renewable resource                Non exhaustible & Pollution free


9. Mining industry is called killer industry. Why?

·       Causes health problems – lung diseases

·       Roofs fall and kill people                *Fire hazards inside mines

·       Pollutes water bodies

·       Waste from mines are dumped on land and cause land degradation


10. How to conserve energy resources?

·       Use public transport                           *Do car pooling

·       Switch off electricity when not in use    *Use power saving devices

o   Use non-conventioal sources of energy. Ex:- Solar energy


11. What are the uses of Petroleum

·       Used as fuel for automobiles

·       Raw material for Industries

·       Gives heat anf light


12. Petroleum is called nodal industry. Why?

Base for synthetic textile, fertilizer and chemical industry


13. Natural gas is environmental friendly. Why?

Less emmion of carbondioxide

Heavy & thermal power industries are located near coal fields. Why?

Because coal is bulky, reduce to ash easily.


Uses of

Ferrous minerals:- metal industries

Mangagese – To make steel & paint

Copper – Electrical Industries

Aluminium – Vessels & aeroplanes

Mica:- Electronic industry

Lime stone – Cement & iron ore industry


















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