
QA Nationalism in india..

 [4/27/2023, 17:14] Hema: Good Evening Chapter: The Nationalism in India  Answer the following questions Q. Explain the impact of World War 1 in India. Ans. The First World War created a new economic and political situation. • It led to a huge increase in defence expenditure which was financed by war loans and increasing taxes • customs duties were raised and income tax introduced. • Through the war years prices increased - doubling between 1913 and 1918 - leading to extreme hardship for the common people. • Villages were called upon to supply soldiers, and the forced recruitment in rural areas caused widespread anger. • Then in 1918-19 and 1920-21, crops failed in many parts of India, resulting in acute shortages of food. • This was accompanied by an influenza epidemic. • According to the census of 1921, 12 to 13 million people perished as a result of famines and the epidemic. Q. Explain the idea of Satyagraha according to Gandhiji.  Answer: 1 Satyagraha emphasised truth...

QA Gender Religion Caste

Chapter : Gender Religion and Caste Answer the following questions Q. ‘Gender division is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes.’ Support the statement. Answer: Gender division : It is a form of hierarchial social division. Generally, it is considered as natural and unchangeable. Actually it is based not on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes. Division in practice :  1 There is common belief that the main responsibility of women is housework and bringing up children as reflected in a sexual division of labour. 2 Men do the work such as cooking, tailoring if these jobs are paid for. For example most tailors or cooks in hotels are men. 3 Women too work outside their home. Poor women work as domestic servant in middle class homes while in urban area women work in offices along with men. It is done in addition their domestic work. But their work is not valued and does not get recognition. Results : 1 Although the population of women is half of t...

QA Fedralism

Chapter 2 Federalism Answer the following questions Q1. Define a.    Federalism - Federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between central authority and various constituent units of the country. b.    Jurisdiction - The area over which someone has legal authority. The area may be defined in terms of geographical boundaries or in terms of certain kind of subjects. c.    Coalition Government – A government formed by the coming together of at least two political parties. Usually partners in a political alliance and adopt a common program.   Q2. What are the key features of Federalism? A2. The following are the key features of Federalism- 1.    There are 2 or more levels (or tiers) of government. 2.    Different tiers of government govern the same citizens but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. So the existence and authority of each tier of govern...

QA Water Resources

  Water Resources Q. What is water scarcity? Write the main reasons for water scarcity. Answer: Water scarcity means shortage of water. It is usually associated with regions having low rainfall or drought prone areas. There are many other reasons which lead to scarcity of water. These are: 1 Large growing population—means more water required for domestic use and also to produce more food. In the agricultural sector, water resources are being over-exploited to expand irrigated areas and dry-season agriculture. 2 More water required for irrigation purposes to facilitate higher food production, i.e., for doing multiple cropping and for HYV seeds. There is greater demand for water with growing urbanisation and industrialisation. 3 An unequal access to water among different social groups. 4 The quality of water is deteriorating, i.e., getting polluted by domestic and industrial wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture. 5 Excessive use of water by industries which ...

QA: Resources and Development

  Q and Ans with   Q. Define resources? Name some resources? Ans. a. Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided, it is technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable can be termed as Resource. b. Land, Soil, Tree and air are some examples of resources. Q. Explain the interdependent relationship between nature, technology and institutions. Ans. a. The process of transformation of things available in our environment involves an interdependent relationship between nature, technology and institutions. b. Human beings interact with nature through technology and create institutions to accelerate their economic development. c. Resources are the functions of activities. Q. What was agenda 21? Ans.  a. It is the declaration signed by world leaders in 1992 at the united Nation’s conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). b. It focuses on attaining Global Sustainable Development. c. It’s mainly a...

QA Globalisation

Chapter: Globalisation Answer the following questions Q 1. What do you mean by a Multi National Corporation (MNC)? Explain their production technique? Ans. A multinational corporation is a company that owns or controls production in more than one nation. Ex:- Hindustan Lever Limited, Ford Motors. The MNCs set up offices and factories in those regions where labour and other resource are available at cheap rates. So they can reduce cost of production and earn more profits. Q 2. What are the factors which influence the setting up of the units of Multi National Corporations (MNCs)? Ans. Factors which influence the setting up of the units of MNCs are- a. Closeness to the market. b. Availability of skilled labour at cheap rate. c. Availability of raw materials at cheep rate. d. Favourable Govt. policies. Q3. What is called investment? The money which is spent to buy assets such as land, building, machines and other equipments is called investment. Q4 What are the various ways in which MNCs s...

Outcomes of Democracy Q ans

Chapter: Outcomes of Democracy Q ‘A democratic government is a legitimate government.’ Support the statement with arguments. Answer: A democratic government is a legitimate government because of the following reasons. 1 It may be slow, less efficient or not always responsive or clean, but it is people’s own government. 2 It has planned institutions and practices for its functioning, such as: free and fair elections, regular public debates, right to information to citizens, planned legislations. 3 In a democracy, decisions are taken in a very transparent manner citizens have the chance to examine the process of decision-making. Q ‘Democracy accommodates social diversities.’ Support the statement with examples. Answer: Democracy accommodates social diversities in the following ways. 1 Democracy develops competitive attitude: Democracy develops a procedure to conduct competition among social classes. This reduces the possibility of conflicts and social tensions. 2 Democracy evolves mechan...