Outcomes of Democracy Q ans
Chapter: Outcomes of Democracy Q ‘A democratic government is a legitimate government.’ Support the statement with arguments. Answer: A democratic government is a legitimate government because of the following reasons. 1 It may be slow, less efficient or not always responsive or clean, but it is people’s own government. 2 It has planned institutions and practices for its functioning, such as: free and fair elections, regular public debates, right to information to citizens, planned legislations. 3 In a democracy, decisions are taken in a very transparent manner citizens have the chance to examine the process of decision-making. Q ‘Democracy accommodates social diversities.’ Support the statement with examples. Answer: Democracy accommodates social diversities in the following ways. 1 Democracy develops competitive attitude: Democracy develops a procedure to conduct competition among social classes. This reduces the possibility of conflicts and social tensions. 2 Democracy evolves mechan...